Monday, August 30, 2010

Well, its now one of our more unpleasant times of the year!  Its time to prep all of next years restoration boats to have their varnish stripped.  Stripping varnish is so unpleasant we do all of the years stripping at one time.  We can make a big mess and only have to do the clean up once which is much better than dragging it out for 10 or 15 times all year long.
To prep the boats we remove the outside rails, decks, thwarts, floor racks, canvas and anything else that clutters up the inside of the boat.  In the boat above, Peter has removed the decks, seats and  thwarts but put in some temporary thwarts so the boat does not lose its shape.  We have about 14 boats to prep and then we get to get into the chemical stripping mess.  Not much else gets done while we are in the stripping mode!

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