Monday, June 14, 2010

We have  a student in the shop this week, Paul Huston, from Stoughton Ma.  He has also brought his dog "Otis" which is good company for Bean except you can not pat one without the other getting jealous and wanting their share of attention!
Anyway, Paul is here to build a form for a 10 ft Whisper.  He is going to use the form to build canoes for a high school program that he teaches.  Several years ago he and his wife built a 15 ft Cheemaun form for the program and now he wants to add to his selection of canoes and hopefully get more kids building!  His high school class is still in session so he is missing out on the last week of school BUT he said he made arrangements for his students not to miss any of their finals!  We'll have to give him his own final exam  at the end of the week!
The Whisper canoe is very short and wide which presents a lot of bending situations. the form is one of the harder forms to build and we will be doing a bit of steam bending just to complete the form.


Anonymous said...

Let Paul know that we miss Otis (and him) back here at WW High! But, we love seeing pics from the webcam!

Anonymous said...

What are y using for a wrench to turn the 3/4 x 3/4 spruce with?
I think your using spruce? Maybe not?